National Savings hold off on rate cuts
Post by Mearns & Company in News
National Savings & Investments (NS&I) has cancelled planned rate cuts on a number of its variable rate accounts, including its popular Premium Bonds, to help savers during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Initially it had planned to cut the prize ‘rate’ on Premium bonds from 1.4% to 1.3% in May. Proposed rate cuts have also been cancelled on its Direct saver account (which will continue to pay interest at 1%), its Investment account (0.8%), and its Income bonds (1.16%).
However, NS&I has cut rates on its fixed rate products as planned. This includes its Guaranteed growth bonds, Guaranteed income bonds and Fixed interest savings certificates held by existing customers over different terms, from one to five years.
This will affect those reinvesting after a product matures. If you currently have one of these products then the rate is fixed until the end of the term.
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